
Title Body Location
Merismopedia glauca (Ehrenberg) Kützing

Agmenellum thermale

Hazen Camp, permanent pond. Max Size 61x39 m. Max Depth 0.68 m. pH 7.2-8.3.
Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmermann

Agmenellum qudruplicatum

Hazen Camp, permanent pond. Max Size 61x39 m. Max Depth 0.68 m. pH 7.2-8.3.
Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing

Anacystis cyanea

Hazen Camp, temporary pond. Max Size 23x38 m. Max Depth 0.35 m. pH 6.8-8.1.
Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing

Anacystis cyanea

Hazen Camp, permanent pond. Max Size 61x39 m. Max Depth 0.68 m. pH 7.2-8.3.
Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittrock) Kirchner

Anacystis cyanea

Hazen Camp, temporary pond. Max Size 23x38 m. Max Depth 0.35 m. pH 6.8-8.1.
Might be other organism such

Might be other organism such as fungus.

TAMUCC campus, Mesquite tree near the building (shaded side), bark of that tree in the part where oil is coming out, negatively sloped surface (1.5 m from the ground), in the dry condition.

Perhaps looks like Gloeocapsopsis

Isolate in the tube (CCMP3456) from Yaene fishery Port, Hachijyo-Jima.

culture was not healthy as they were not blue-green, granules observed and cells were slightly constricted, apical cells should be found

Test tube (NH bay simple Paul) Nighthawk location, Laguna madre.

Cell diameter 1 um

Agar plate (PINs BI Basin) Nighthawk location, Laguna madre.
Nodosilinea bijugata (Kongisser) Perkerson et Kovacik


West Spitsbergen Island. Oscar II Land. South coast of the St. Jonsfjorden bay. First marine terrace. Wet tundra. On the bottom of pool.
