Chlorogloeopsis fritschii (Mitra) Mitra et Pandey


Thallous; thallus in form of a compact stratum of indefinite size, composed of irregular or irregular-rounded cell-packets and aggregates, or of uniserial up to multiserial short rows of cells (trichomes with 3-20 cells), usually without distinct mucimginous envelopes, but sometimes single cell-packets enclosed in thin, firm sheaths. Elongated branches or typical filaments not formed. Cells rounded or angular, with pale blue-green, granula content. Heterocytes terminal and intercalar, irregularly disposed, sometimes lacking. Akinetes not observed.
Cell division irregularly in one to three or more planes. Reproduction by liberation of solitary cells from a thallus (sometimes after rupture of the sheath), of groups of two or more cells, or by short, few-celled hormogonia. Hormogonia composed of small cylindrical cells, which enlarge and become spherical during further development.

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