Drouetiella lurida (Gomont) Mai et al.


Mai T., Johansen J.R., Pietrasiak N., Bohunická M., Martin M.P. Revision of the Synechococcales (Cyanobacteria) through recognition of four families including Oculatellaceae fam. nov. and Trichocoleaceae fam. nov. and six new genera containing 14 species // Phytotaxa, 2018. Vol. 365 (1): 001-059.

Colony reddish brown or brown in actively growing cultures, turning olive-green as culture senesces (Fig. 14a). Filaments long, without false branching, 2.0–2.6 (3.4) μm wide. Sheath firm, thin, colorless, up to 0.8 μm wide (Fig. 14c). Trichomes not or slightly constricted at distinct cross-walls, without necridia, lacking meristematic zones, with cell division occurring throughout the length of the trichomes, 1.7–2.1 μm wide. Hormogonia absent. Cells mostly longer than wide (Figs. 14b, d), rarely isodiametric after division, with parietal thylakoids, with up to three granules usually in the middle of the cell, (2.1) 2.9–3.8 (5.4) μm long. End cells untapered, rounded. D1-D1’ helix 64 nucleotides long, with basal side loop of 7 nucleotides (5’-CAUCCCA-3’), at mid-helix with one
large internal loop at position 14–17/41–44, one pair of mismatched nucleotides at position 9 on the 5’ strand (U/U) and one sub-terminal internal loop at 23–24/34–35 immediately separated from the terminal loop by a 5’-GC:GC-3’ clamp. Terminal loop of 5 nucleotides, terminal sequence 5’-AUAGU-3’ (Fig. 6i). Box B 34 nucleotides long, with one basal internal loop at position 5/27–28 and one unpaired adenine residue at position 9 of the 5’ strand (Fig. 7h). V2 helix 18 nucleotides long, unique in sequence and shape, terminal loop of 4 nucleotides, sequence 5’-UUUG-3’ (Fig. 8f). V3 helix was not reported as the sequence from NCBI terminated before the end of the ITS region.

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