Romeria cylindrocellularis Hindak
Trichomes solitary, free-floating, irregularly wavy or coiled, many-celled and disintegrating, yellowish green or pale blue-green, 0.6-1 um wide, (5) 9-20 um long, constricted at cross-walls. Gelatinous envelopes fine, hyaline, wide, up to 5 um wide. Cells short cylindrical, straight, flattened at the poles, 1-1.5 um long, trichomes slightly shifted each other. Cell content homogeneous, pale blue-green.
Occurrence: Planktic in eutrophic ponds and small lakes; Europe: Slovakia.
Komárek, J. & Anagnostidis, K. (2005): Cyanoprokaryota 2. Oscillatoriales. – In: Büdel, B., Krienitz L., Gärtner G. & Schagerl M. (eds): Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa 19/2. – 759 p., Elsevier/Spektrum, Heidelberg.
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