Phormidesmis molle (Gomont) Turicchia et al.


Filaments aggregated in mats or clusters, rarely solitary, cylindrical, ± straight or slightly coiled, with facultative sheaths. Trichomes cylindrical, constricted at cross-walls, not attenuated towards ends. Sheaths firm, thin, colourless or slightly yellowish-brownish. Cells isodiametric or slightly longer or shorter than wide, sometimes with visible chromatoplasma, cylindrical to barrel-shaped, end cells rounded, without typical calyptra.
Turicchia, S., Ventura, S., Komárková, J. & Komárek, J. Taxonomic evaluation of cyanobacterial microflora from alkaline marshes of northern Belize. 2. Diversity of oscillatorialean genera // Nova Hedwigia, 2009. Vol. 89: 165-200.


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