Surface: Lyngbya sp. occupied 85% of mats surface, forming entengled net of the robustly enveloped filaments, sometimes forming continues (solid) coverage. Cross section: 1 layer. Surface layer is thin, ~ 0.1 mm, composed mostly from Lyngbya sp. 2 layer. First white layer, composed mostly from Schizothrix sp., Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes, Trichocoleus sp. Lyngbya sp. is rare inhere. Thickness of the layer is 0.5 mm. 3 layer. Dark blue-green layer. Thickness of the layer is ~ 0.2 mm. 4 layer. White layer. (Similar to layer 2), but propably without Lyngbya sp. Thickness of the layer is 0.25 mm. 5 layer. Blue-green layer is vary faint, maybe contains of dead filaments of cyanos. Thickness of the layer is 0.1 mm. 6 layer. White layer (Similar to layer 4) contains of sediments and emply envelopes, perhaps. Thickness of the layer is 0.2 mm. 7 layer. Dark-green layer. Thickness of the layer is 0.2 mm. 8 layer. Layer of sediments and ditritus. Thickness of the layer is 4 mm. TOTAL THICKNESS OF THE MAT IS ~ 1.2 mm. Note: Supposedly Lyngbya sp. may seldom occur through all layers except layer 8. In the longitudinal axis mat is not continuous (discrete). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Species abundance depending of layer: Species Surface Second layer 2mm deep ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Lyngbya sp. 60% rarely 2. Schizothrix sp. 20% 20% 20% 3. Leibleinia sp. 10% rarely 4. Johannesbaptistia sp. rarely 5. Schizothrix helva 10% 20% 6. Gloeocapsopsis sp. rarely rarely 7. Porphyrosiphon sp. rarely rarely 8. Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes 20% 20% 9. Chroococcus sp. rarely rarely 10.Trichocoleus sp. 20% 20% 11.Spirulina sp. rarely 12.Symplocastrum sp. 10% 20% 13.Synechococcus sp. rarely TOTAL 7 10 7