Macrocolony in form of flat blue-green mat. Filaments simple and long with no type of false branching observed, occasionally forming clusters and nodules. Nodules showing cell division in more than one plane. Sheaths colorless, thin, firm, tightly enveloping trichome, obvious when empty. Trichomes distinctly constricted, 1.2-2.2 um wide. Apical cells elongated and rounded at end, 1.28 to 3.3 um long. Cells isodiametric, sometimes longer than wide and sometimes wider than long, length of 0.65-2.9 um, width of 1.2-2.19 um. Necridia absent. Peripheral thylakoid arrangement. Could be N. epilithica but N. epilithica has been observed on stone that has been wet with freshwater and this was found in gypsiferous desert soil.